Our Story
Six years old. That's when most girls begin to lose interest in math and science. This is tragic because it isn't biological, but cultural. Even worse, it's at a time when girls' curiosity and creativity are beginning to blossom.
Enter GoldieBlox. Our mission is to reach girls at a young age, and introduce them (and oftentimes, their parents) to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
STEM can often seem intimidating. So we make it fun. Build self-confidence. Inspire the next generation of innovators. And shatter long-held stereotypes.

What We Do
We create shows that inspire, toys that teach and creative campaigns that celebrate diverse, badass female STEM role models that still - to this day - are incredibly rare to see. As we do, we bring along boys, too. So as they grow, they help level the playing field.
Our message: STEM is cool. With it, you can invent. Design stuff. And build all that you dream up.
After all, today's kids will have jobs that don't even exist yet. But we do know that STEM skills will play a huge role. That's why we're here, now, to help them prepare.
Our company has reached millions of girls around the globe over the past decade - while making a profound impact on the landscape of children's toys and media. And we're just getting started.

Meet Our Founder:
Debbie Sterling
As an engineering student at Stanford, Debbie was outnumbered. The vast majority of her professors, and classmates, were male. In class, the students prototyped with construction toys. While the boys had played with these toys as kids, she never had.
This led Debbie to have a lightbulb moment. To interest girls in engineering, they need hands-on play AND role models in which to see themselves. Determined, Debbie created construction toys designed specifically to get girls into STEM - introducing the world's first girl engineer and coder characters - Goldie Blox and Ruby Rails.
Rejection met Debbie's first prototype at The International Toy Fair in New York City. Girls want princesses, the men told her. Deep down, she knew they were wrong. So she put her idea on Kickstarter. It blew up.
Thousands of people, including celebrities, tech CEOs and political figures crowdfunded her campaign. Nearly every major media outlet from The Atlantic to The New York Times to The Guardian began writing about GoldieBlox.
After winning a free Super Bowl commercial, having a float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and being honored by President Obama with an Ambassadorship for Global Entrepreneurship, it became clear that Debbie wasn't just starting a company - she was starting a movement.